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Photo Credits: Leo Lin & Leandro Moraes

"VOLÁTIL" is Gab Branco's solo dance, the result of two artistic residencies, at CRDSP - Centro de Referência da Dança de São Paulo, 2016-17, and at Lugarização - Cia Corpos Nômades, 2017-18. It is a work initiated through studies on body states in dance creation as a device for improvisation on stage. The performance is developed in three modules: 1. Sabotage 2. Subversion and 3. Volatile, which are distributed in a fixed trajectory that draws an hourglass on the floor, in a game of constant improvisation, of accessing and bringing back memories while on stage. The body research that guided this project consisted of mapping, exploring and saturating body states through two paths: 1. Memories and 2. Words. When we say via memories, it means that we try to bring up some personal memory, to evoke to understand the sensation and feeling to be externalised in the form of improvised dance. In other words, a provocative dive into that memory in order to reach, flow and reverberate one or many body states that arise from it. When we say via words, it means that we try to extract the bodily state from the literal meaning of words that refer to feelings or qualities of movement, without worrying about linking any memory of a lived experience. Hence, the idea of constructing the present memory, which is done through improvised movement.
From the process developed during these artistic residencies, the artist based her movement research "Body States Through Memories".

This work has received a grant from "Lugarização 2017" artistic residency and fellowship by OLugar-Cia Corpos Nômades.
It has been performed at OLugar-Cia Corpos Nômades, CRDSP, Funarte in São Paulo-BR and at Fazenda Sta Esther in Amparo-BR.

Concept, Dramaturgy and Performance: Gab Branco
Scene Provocation: Letícia Rodrigues
Soundtrack: Pulselooper
Light Design: Rossana Boccia
Scenery: Gab Branco
Costume: Julia Melo

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