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The(ir) fissures written on me



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Photo Credits: Fenia Kotsopoulou

"What are the words you do not yet have? What do you need to say? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence?"
Audre Lorde

“The(ir) fissures written on me” expresses the traversings on co-autoethnography about shared experiences with Brazilians – a field research of 1month and half, back to my birth country. During that period, I offered encounters of 1:1 or small groups to share my artistic research. Each participant and I shared trauma-wounds, and we engaged on a sensitive listening. I witnessed so many breaks of silences. Silences caused by the TRIAD of Colonialism, Capitalism and White Supremacy. The fissures are wounds still not healed and, therefore, not acknowledged. The fissure art practice states that sensitivity and vulnerability are not to be feared but rather practiced and embodied. It aims to voice the tyrannies swallowed and to unblock the suppressed screaming; to encourage people to break their silences, and above all, connect people through what they recognise on other’s lives from their own life.

Concept, Dramaturgy, Voice & Performance: Gab Branco

Supervisor: Fenia Kotsopoulou

Mentors: Susanne Weins and VestAndPage

Technical Assistance: Steef Kersbergen

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