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Tender Transgression

Action-based performance


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Photo Credits: Fenia Kotosopoulou

The work tackles the idea of an anti-(dote)-weapon body that exalts the burden one goes through, highlighting that “no amount of money will be able to give back to the spirits the value of their dead ancestors” (Kopenawa; Albert, 2015, p. 355). The anti-(dote)-weapon body is always in relation to the other, it is in submersion and emersion from the self-reflection to society-reflection. The anti-(dote)-weapon body intersects with "enfleshment" sharing from the spectrum that “this body whose flesh carries the female and the male to the frontiers of survival bears in person the marks of a cultural text whose inside has been turned outside” (Spillers, 1987, p.67). I write that to engage with tender transgression is a deep process of re-(dis)-covering oneself within the relations to power structures that shaped one’s experiences.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this performance was open only for students and teachers from Home of Performance Practices. The work was created for the Elective "Performing Enfleshment", Prof. Vanessa Macaulay.

Concept and performance: Gab Branco
Songs: "Que País é Esse?" - Legião Urbana; "Roda Viva" - Chico Buarque; "O que é O que é?" - Gonzaguinha.
Filmed by Fenia Kotsopoulou at ArtEZ - University of the Arts, Arnhem-NL, February 11th, 2022.

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