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Plano Sequência TK2 • Jorge Garcia Companhia de Dança

Dance & Plan Sequence Film


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Photo Credits: Leandro Moraes

"Plano Sequência - TAKE 2" is a hybrid performance that takes place through experience in space, the use of techniques that permeate dance and cinema, and the intuition that leads us, for some reason, to concentrate on an event and want to record it. The process of building a continuous plan, a survival project, a system within a system. Pub chess, guerrilla piloting, strategies producing sequences, presence after presence.

This work with the cast of 2019 has been performed at Oficina Oswald de Andrade and Teatro de Container, São Paulo-BR.

Direction and Choreography: Jorge Garcia
Choreography assistant: Marina Matheus
Performers: Felipe Teixeira, Gab Branco, Giuli Lacorte, Jonathan Vasconcelos, Marina Matheus, Mariana Molinos, Manuela Aranguibel, Mainá Santana.
Live Percussion: Éder “O” Rocha
Production: Dionísio Produções Culturais
Producer Assistant: Gab Branco

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