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Caixa Preta • Jorge Garcia Companhia de Dança

Dance & Plan Sequence Film


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Photo Credits: Leandro Moraes

Its narrative is the unfolding of an endless party, an unleashing of situations where the looping of visual and fictional events intertwine and build relationships of friction between the interpreters / characters of this event; inspired by parties that last for days, body and mind numbed by a certain ritual. These individuals feed off each other's energy to boost their own, thus strengthening the whole. A riot, a demonstration, an almost tribal and organic provocation in dark times. Desires for connection, rituals that take us back to the past, throw us into the future and once again capture us in the now. Again and forever.

This work with the cast of 2019 has been performed at Capital35, Centro de Referência da Dança -CRDSP and Galeria Olido - sala Paissandu, São Paulo-BR.

Direction and Choreography: Jorge Garcia
Choreography assistant: Marina Matheus
Performers: Felipe Teixeira, Gab Branco, Giuli Lacorte, Jonathan Vasconcelos, Marina Matheus, Mariana Molinos, Manuela Aranguibel, Mainá Santana.
Production: Dionísio Produções Culturais
Producer Assistant: Gab Branco

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