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I am a Brazilian trans-(de)-disciplinary artist with background in dance. I situate myself as an artist crisscrossing the fields of community-based, body and vocal practices within artivism and (co)autoethnography. In other words, my purpose is to advocate for social change and offer creative ways of connecting people through sharing one’s story, engaging on a sensitive listening to others and embracing the exposure of personal experiences as a bridge to connect meaningfully with people. Recently I graduated from my master’s in performance Practices (2023), ArtEZ-NL, and developed the “FISSURE” art practice based on the Klauss Vianna Technique (KVT) – Brazilian somatic technique for body preparation and dance creation through improvisation tools, and my movement research “Body States Through Memories”.



Throughout the last years I have been working on multiple roles as director, dramaturg, choreographer, dancer-performer, researcher, cultural producer, KVT teacher and mentor for young makers. On my artistic and theoretical works, I am driven to approach the subversion of the TRIAD: Colonialism, Capitalism, and White Supremacy, as I defended on my master thesis and the creation of the "FISSURE" practice. I am constantly questioning socio-political issues and the impact of Western Culture through an anti-colonialist, and (co)autoethnographic lenses. I am interested to embrace the marginalised gazes and engage with radical sensitivity to immerse myself in a critical analysis for my authorial works. In between performance art, dance, plan sequence films, spoken words, poetry, vocalisations, and radical live art, I am eager to unfold creations through a trans-(de)-disciplinarity approach focusing on the process rather than the outcome in order to disrupt with capitalist norm of productivity.

Let's detail a bit more about me

In the past years I have collaborated with several artists, such as Deborah Smith-Wicke (EN/GE), Eldad Ben Sasson (IL), Christian Duarte (BR), Camila Venturelli (BR), Tamara Cubas (UR), Teresa Ranieri (IT), Cora Laszlo (BR), Letícia Rodrigues (BR), Júlia Iwanaga (BR). I'm part of Tanzwerk*Kassel since 2020 and I co-founded core traverse artistic collective together with Christa Stoeffelbauer (AT) and Júlia Iwanaga (BR) by which I directed the project “Women’s Veiled Path” funded by Kulturamt Kassel and Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Amongst my last authorial works are "The(ir) fissures written on me" (performance, 2023) - Arnhem (NL); "Maladjusted Betwixt" (dance performance lecture, 2023) - Kassel (GE); "Sensitive Crossing" (performance site-specific, 2023) - São Paulo (BR); “The ANTI-(dote)-WEAPON BODY” (performance, 2022) – Arnhem (NL); “Until I” (Intervention-performance, 2022) – Venice (IT).

In Brazil, I developed my movement research “Body State Through Memories”  based on the KVT, during two artistic residencies in São Paulo at Centro de Referência da Dança de São Paulo (CRDSP), 2016-17, and Lugarização hosted by the dance and theatre company Cia Corpos Nômades, 2017-18. In São Paulo, I worked as a dancer and producer assistant at Jorge Garcia Companhia de Dança, 2016-19; dancer at Cia Fragmento de Dança, 2019; producer at Capital35, 2017-18. As a mentor/dance advisor, I worked in the program VOCACIONAL from the Cultural Department of São Paulo, 2019, specifically for emergent artists and dance groups from the outskirts of the city. As educator and KVT teacher, I have taught at SOZO Visions in Motion (GE), Espaço 8 de arte e cultura (BR), CRDSP (BR), Casa Gioconda (BR), Capital35 (BR). I founded the feminist collective Milionésima which was focused on hybrid studies, interventions, women circles, and dance creations based on autoethnography based on women’s testimonies and experiences lived in the city of São Paulo.


​February 2024 - February 2025

​September 2021 - July 2023

​April 2021 - April 2022

​September 2019 - Sep. 2020

​January 2019 - June 2019

​January 2011 - Dec. 2016

​January 2011 - Dec. 2015

Compassionate Inquiry Psychotherapeutical - developed by Gabor Maté and Sat Dharam. Cohort 2024.

Master Performance Practices, ArtEZ, Arnhem, The Netherlands

Degree in Performing Arts.

Specialisation in the Klauss Vianna Technique (KVT), Salão do Movimento, Campinas-SP, Brazil

Didactic Process of the Brazilian contemporary dance and somatic technique

Postgraduate Residence Studios and Performance Research Studies (PReS), Kassel, Germany

Post-Graduation degree in Performance Studies

Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (​PUC), São Paulo-SP, Brazil

Post-Graduation degree in the Klauss Vianna Technique specialisation - On Hold.

State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas-SP, Brazil

Dance in Education

State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas-SP, Brazil

Bachelor in Dance 


Gab Branco

Dramaturg .· Choreographer .· Dancer .· Performer

Mentor .· Researcher .· Educator

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